Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sada and Piper

Here is the first post from their new blog.  This way we can update everyone with more stuff about Sada and Piper. 

Top things Piper is doing:

  • "more candy" -she knows where the Easter candy is.
  • "fan-ki-ko" - this is how she says San Francisco
  • "i ballerina" - she loves to twirl and dance and then tell you she's a ballerina, she's actually pretty good for being 2 feet tall and 40lbs.

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  • She loves to take pictures, she's so good that I'm going to post the photos a 4 year old takes on a separate site, stuff a 4-year old cares about
  • She also loves to listen to Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.  It's one of her favorite movies now - she can sing most of the songs.
  • Our new favorite move is An American in Paris.  She loves most of the scenes with dancing and singing though she will sit attentively through all of the dialogue.

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The photos are from a trip we took up to Sonoma to the Valley of the Moon winery. 

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi my Sada! You are so grown up and pretty! Do you remember the words to the "Animal Fair" song?
Love, Nannie